14 absurde medarbeidersamtaler Medarbeidersamtaler kan være en utmerket anledning til konstruktiv meningsutveksling mellom leder og medarbeider, et forum for ”den gode samtalen” – i den hensikt å skape vekst både for den ansatte og for bedriften som helhet. Men det behøver ikke å være slik!

I denne humoristisk bisarre forestillingen settes søkelyset på relasjonene i bedriften; Hvor går grensen mellom jobbliv og privatliv – en problemstilling som blir stadig mer aktuell i dagens arbeidsliv. Dette er britisk humor på det svarteste og beste – og på engelsk!!

Vi advarer mot sterke scener.

New Take Away- Theatre in English! – ruthless abuse of power!

Regular personal reviews can be an excellent opportunity for a constructive dialogue between the manager and the employee, given the right atmosphere where intension is to give feed back and supervision to the employee for a personal career development as well for the benefit of the company. However, these intentions are some times not met. In this play we should rather say these intensions are definitely not met.

In this humoristic and slightly bizarre play the focus is on the relations within the company; The relations between the manager’s view of the company business philosophy and the employee’s duties and rights. Where are the «borderline» between the employee’s privacy and the company’s need for the employee’s total focus for the company. This issue is highly relevant in todays competitive marked.

Contractions is an unforgettable funny, but above all absurd, embarrassing and challenging play.

Mette Arstad

Mette Arnstad


Portrett Ragnhild Arnestad Mønness

Ragnhild Arnestad Mønness


Lars Funderud Johannessen


  • Norgespremiere

    18. mars 2009

  • Varighet

    50 min